Hypothesis No. 1/2 Issue 1
Online: May 2014 (ISSN 2360 – 4077)
Print: March 2020 (ISSN-L 2360 – 4077)
A Kantian Analogue of Benacerraf’s Dilemma: Preliminary Comments on a Suggestion of Charles Parsons (Fabrice Pataut)
Toward Formalizing Culture: First Steps (Selmer Bringsjord)
Cognitive-Phenomenological Penetration (Marius Dumitru)
The Rationality of University (Bogdan Popoveniuc)
“Good” and “Bad” Neighborhoods: Perceptions and Reality. The impact of Communication Channels on Perceptions of Neighborhood Civic Well-Being in Lexington, Kentucky (I) (Sorin Matei)
Rationality and Critical Intercultural Communication Research (Alberto González and Brett R. Labbé)
To Hear the Voices Elsewhere: Impolite Data & Taking Ethnographic Research into the Shadows (Wenshu Lee and Wangen Lee)